Wednesday, June 29, 2011


A few years back I went to Turkey for a fashion event with V2K.  It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.  Istanbul is by far the most incredible city I have ever visited.  My Uncle Paul and his family just returned from an adventure there. They sailed out of the Port of Bodrum, made their way up to the Cappodocia region, where all of the dwellings are build into the the hillsides of volcanic ash, and wrapped their journey up in Istanbul.  I am reminded of the Turkey's rich history, and why it is so damn enchanting.  Photos from my trip coming soon.  Enjoy, these are some of the most beautiful images I have ever seen. 

Featuring the stunning Lauren Brower.

1 comment:

  1. He He. Wasn't expecting that. Thanks for including us in your blog.
